This weekend holds my first night "out" since starting my Whole30 challenge. I mean, resisting a stale cookie at a church meeting is one thing, but going to one of my dearest friend's 40th birthday party?... Quite another thing. A thing warranting at least five adult beverages, actually. Fortunately, the birthday girl's not a big drinker so I don't think she'll mind me downing orange sparkling waters all night. I might even go crazy and add some JUICE. You heard me! It is the weekend after all. And 40's a big one. A big splash of juice is definitely in order. Note to self: buy juice and sparkling water.
Today my meals were not only Whole30 compliant but also Lent-observing-Catholic approved. That said, as the justices say, I followed the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law. My meals were weirdly timed and snacky. My heart just wasn't in it. I wanted to eat cheese and chocolate so badly. Accordingly, I am less satiated today than I have been on Days 1 through 4. I'm still really quite proud of my self-discipline, however, especially since I neither (a) ate the delicious bowl of oatmeal that was in the refrigerator left over from my children's breakfast, nor (b) shared my children's after-school smoothie with them, even though it is my favorite smoothie ever.
Positive note: This morning, whilst enjoying a wonderful phone conversation with one of my cross-country besties (Hi, Alicia! Did you make a list of topics to be covered in our next business meeting?), I made some tuna-sweet potato cakes. They were super good, except they stuck in the muffin tins, which I knew would happen because I have good kitchen intuition and know what's what, especially what's what with my own kitchen equipment. Nevertheless, I will make them again because they were absolutely delicious. Also, as they are a combination of lean protein and starchy vegetable they comprise a pretty perfect post-workout meal according to the Whole30, and I am in need of grab-and-go perfect post-workout options. But next time I'm skipping the muffin tins and will just make them tuna burgers.
Less positive note: I'm pretty hungry today, in the mental way not the stomach way. The chia breakfast bowl did not agree with me. I was full halfway through it and then my stomach hurt 20 minutes later. So maybe it's just going to be eggs every morning, for 25 more mornings. Unless I (a) buy sausage, or (b) go the "vegetarian Whole30" route, which allows pastured yogurt and whey protein powder.
Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast at 7 a.m. - chia bowl with almonds and banana

Lunch part 1 at 11 a.m. - kale chips, 3 tuna-sweet potato cakes, tea with coconut milk
Lunch part 2 at 1 p.m. - kale chips, tomatoes, a couple slices pear, homemade lara bar
Lunch part 3 at 3 p.m. - 1.5 hard-boiled eggs, 4 olives (Sadie ate one, then the children planted the pits so hopefully next year we'll have an olive grove in our side yard)

Dinner at 5:45 p.m. - green salad, plantain chips with guacamole, 3 tuna-sweet potato cakes

Compared with the plan:
Day 5 (meatless; Lenten Friday)
Breakfast: Eggs, tomatoes, magic green sauce, guacamole, green tea
Lunch: Leftover soup, tuna salad lettuce wraps, olives, homemade lara bar if still hungry
Dinner: Spicy Tomato Sauce with Spaghetti Squash, green salad
There are serious changes going on physically and mentally but I'm not sure how to share them yet.
Happy weekend. Enjoy your sparkling water!
So, the fun thing I forgot to mention during our fantastic phone conversation was that I am finally starting to notice when Abby copies "Mom" things. For instance, whenever she has a pen in hand she says very seriously, "we need to make a list." which is very me. And I love it. Your list is forthcoming. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI love that! What a good mom she has to copy.